Our Mission

The mission of the Mississippi Access to Justice Commission is to develop a unified strategy to improve access to justice in civil legal proceedings for the poor in Mississippi.

Our Core Goals

 To accomplish our mission, the Commission was empowered by the Mississippi Supreme Court to:

Identify needs

 Identify the current and future needs of the legal services community in providing access to justice to the poor in Mississippi;

Strategic Planning

 Develop and establish a strategic statewide plan for delivery of legal services to the poor in Mississippi; Develop strategies and ideas to increase resources and funding for access to justice in civil legal matters. 

Maximize Resources

Work to maximize the wise and efficient use of available resources, including development of local, regional and/or statewide systems that encourage the coordination of resources and funding;

Develop initiatives

Develop and implement initiatives designed to expand civil access to justice.

Reduce barriers

Work to reduce barriers to the justice system by addressing existing and proposed court rules, procedures and policies that affect access to justice for poor Mississippians;

Monitor effectiveness

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the statewide system and services provided, and periodically evaluate the progress made in fulfilling their respective responsibilities.