Free Legal Forms

Our Free Legal Forms page is for people who are handling their legal problems without a lawyer.  It can help you create forms to file in court.  Some of the forms are interactive websites that will help you create the court forms by asking questions and using your answers to complete the forms.  You can find more information about different legal topics under the Legal Resources tab.  This website does not give legal advice, and it is not a substitute for having a lawyer.  If you need more help, you can Hire a Lawyer or contact a legal services provider


The MSATJC needs input from Self-Represented/Pro Se Litigants (people who represent themselves in court). Please complete this survey to help make our resources better and more effective.

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Free Legal Answers

 In August 2016, the Commission joined the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project in launching Mississippi Free Legal Answers, the state’s first-ever, free online legal help website, available at The site is designed to assist Mississippi’s low-income citizens with their civil legal questions. Question topics can include family law matters (such as divorce, custody, child support, visitation, guardianship, emancipation, and adoption), name change, birth certificate correction, domestic violence, bankruptcy, consumer, education, employment, housing, workers compensation, wills and estate planning. The site will not deal with criminal law questions. Individuals who qualify for assistance will sign up for an account and then post a question privately to the website. Attorneys will respond to questions and users will be alerted to their responses by email.


Have a legal question? Get an answer now.

Click link to MS Free legal answers.

Legal Forms


Family and Children law

 Irreconcilable Difference Divorce - Both parties want to be divorced.Instruction Sheet download.

 Emancipation - Under age 21, and you want to live independently from your parents.  Both parents will sign the papers. Instruction Sheet Download.

 Adult Name Change - over 21 and you want to legally change your name. Instruction Sheet Download.

 Petition to Cite for Contempt

 Petition to Establish Visitation Rights

 UCCJEA Affidavit

 Order Setting Hearing

  Rule 8.05 Financial Statement

Estate Issues

 An Advance Health Directive ("livning will") tells your doctor and family what kind of medical care you want if you cannot tell them yourself.

Advanced Health Care Directive

Civil filing fee waived

 If you need to try to get your civil filing fee waived because of your low income and assets, download the "Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis" and the "Pauper's Affidavit" Rule 81 Summons 

Motion in Forma  Pauperis

Pauper's Affidavit

legal clinic toolkit

 The Commission has developed a Legal Clinic Toolkit for local bar associations to organize a Legal Clinc

To Access it, Click Here.  Contact us with questions about the toolkit by callling 601.960.9581.

Domestic abuse protection

If you are in a dangerous situation, you may contact local law enforcement by calling 911.  For domestic violence resources such as shelters, you may also contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224

You can access Domestic Abuse Protection Order Forms from the Mississippi Attorney Generals Office by clicking here. This list of  FAQs will provide valuable information about Domestic Abuse Protection Orders.Domestic Abuse FAQs

legal assistance

 If you need legal assistance with matters, or help with complete forms, contact one of Mississippi's legal service providers.

 Legal Service Providers 

Civil case filing form

 When filing any new court forms with the court clerk,  you will need a Cover Sheet-Civil Case Filing Form

 Civil Case Filing Form

Summonses and Subpoenas


Follow this link for Court Interpreter information and translated Court Forms.

Court Interpretation